
Eliminate Enjoy Pain, Life

Eliminate Enjoy Pain, Life
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Pain Relief Therapy

You may think that being in pain is a way of life, something that you have to accept, something you have to put up with. At Pain Relief Therapies we are committed to helping you to eliminate those niggling, annoying pains through a programme of therapies. Whether you are suffering from physical, emotional or psychological pain we offer solutions to give you a platform of pain relief.

Pain Relief Therapies core therapist Alice O’Brien Treacy is committed to the therapies she uses combining her skills, experience and expertise to give you the best possible outcome. As a highly qualified practitioner in Emmett, Bowen, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Brain Gym and Reiki with more than 18 years delivering treatments across a wide range of clients.

Alice promotes the benefits of personal, physical, emotional development through ongoing training and knowledge building which enables clients to receive an holistic therapeutic experience.

The ultimate goal of Pain Relief Therapies is to Make People Feel Better physically, emotionally or psychologically.

Our Therapies


The EMMETT Technique is based on the belief that light touch can trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissue of the body, and the therapist may help relieve tensions resulting in feelings of improved comfort within the body.


The Bowen Technique is applied at very precise points on the body. It involves the movement of soft tissue in a very defined manner. The move is a rolling-type move of the thumbs and forefingers by the therapist and is designed to…


Aromatherapy uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aroma compounds for improving psychological or physical well-being. It can be offered as a complementary therapy or as a form of….

Shamanic Counselling

Shamanism is the world’s oldest spiritual path. It is nature-based and a belief we are all connected. It was practiced on every continent in the world with remarkably similar practices even though they would have never met.


Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medicine involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion.


We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being.

Brain Gym

Brain Gym is committed to the principle that moving with intention leads to optimal learning. Brain Gym® movements, exercises, or activities refer to the original 26 Brain Gym movements, sometimes abbreviated as “The 26”.

Chakra Alchemy Healing

The chakra system refers to energy centers we have in our bodies. There are eight chakras, each in a specific location along your spine that we work with in this alchemy healing.

Welcome to Pain Relief Therapy

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What Do Our Clients Have To Say?

Gary, a player of County Standard, came with a hamstring problem. A problem that saw him miss at least 3 games every season. He was not impressed with how gentle my treatment was but nevertheless returned for his second treatment, after which he never missed a game due to hamstring issues.

Philomena came and had such poor balance she avoided walking, a thing she loved to do. This meant she was putting on weight and getting no exercise or fresh air, which effected her mood. Within the first 5 minutes her balance was sorted and we still had 20/30 minutes to work on other issues.

Tom, of 69 years, had urinated 25 times before he arrived at my clinic, with no known cause for the frequency, as he had not yet checked with his Doctor. In one treatment his bladder returned to normal.

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