We all know what pain is. We don’t like it much and do all we can to avoid it.
My logo says Pain Relief Therapy working on Physical, Emotional and Mental pain.
We can all identify with physical pain. It may be falling and cutting our knee, a toothache or headache. Whichever it is we all try to avoid it and are thankful when it has passed.
Emotional pain maybe grief or loss, like losing a loved one, a job, or having to move from home even if it is to go to some place we wanted to go. It can have us act out of character.
The definition of mental pain is deep sorrow, sadness or depression. I think mental pain is caused by emotional pain not being dealt with. This may be because you don’t want to see it, or it maybe that you don’t know it is there.
I get many people come with physical pain but we end up dealing with emotional pain they have been holding for years. It can be the pain of a loved one dying, or the loss of independence due to illness or job loss. The relief of letting this go is felt in the body instantly.
My friend’s husband had a stroke; she was coping well, but felt everything was now on her shoulders. Of course her husband was an obvious choice for treatment, to help him regain some of his mobility.
When she brought him, I asked if she would have a treatment too, since she had to wait, knowing it would support her. A week later they were back for a second treatment, she said, “this has been great, it has helped me to accept what has happened”. Her circumstance did not change, but now she could cope easier.
If we have emotional or mental trauma in our lives, and not many of us escape, the memory of the trauma will be stored in our body. This can cause great distress and as I said earlier pain or illness. Fortunately, it is not something we have to suffer through. There is help out there. There are many people we can talk to about how we feel. It can often be enough to name it and see this is normal after what has happened.
I know it is hard to ask for help when you feel like you can’t cope. Treatment can help so much with giving you strength to cope, to talk, to heal and to live life.
Call me if you would like to talk so you can live again. 0872020407